Corporate Innovation made easy

What we serve

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Lean Co-entrepreneur

Hire a lean co-entrepreneur that will embrace your vision and help your team to stay focused. He will help you validate your most critical assumptions, define viable business model and support the identification of a strategic partner for your go to market strategy.

He will inject an entrepreneurial mind set in your company and he will help bridge the corporate and startup world in the most effective way by managing and setting the right expectations.


Innovation consultancy

We offer a variety of options to help you set up, review or boost your Corporate innovation program.

  • Ideation workshops for disruptive propositions.
  • Business model development. Search for innovative though sustainable business models options.
  • Market and technical validations. De-risk your project by identifying and validating your riskiest assumptions.

Innovation project management

It's time to roll up your sleeves. Get head down and impress your customers. We use a design thinking approach and agile methodology to increase your TTM and Customer satisfaction.

  • Service ecosystems and blueprints.
  • Customer journeys and UX.
  • Development of mobile app, web sites and backends.
  • Launch and partnerships.

Operational management

Launching an MVP is an incredible milestone although remains a mean to an end. Your goal is to create a sustainable business that delivers value to your customers, society and employees. The hard work begins here. We can help you with establishing best practices and methodology to scale and professionalise your company.

  • Product and process management.
  • Managing customer satisfaction and customer service.
  • Continuous improvements and value stream mapping.

Opportunities don't happen. We create them

We help you think about big things while we keep you doing small things.

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward. We help you choose

The customer’s perception is our reality.

Schedule a Consultation Now!

You take your business very seriously and so we do. Reach out to clear up doubts and share your challenges. We will help you find and answer to it.

The innovation life cycle


01| Define your strategy and Idea Exploration

Define your strategy. How much and how fast is your industry changing, what are you biggest threats and what are your strongest capabilities. With this, be clear in which markets you can play a role and what type of partnerships you need to be successful. Finally, create a portfolio and program to execute on your innovation strategy.


02| Experimentation and Validation

You have a good idea that fits your strategy and matches the ambition and appeal of your company. Before your go all in on it, fund a first round of analysis, validate your most critical assumptions and de-risk your project. Gain confidence and confirmation from your prospects that you are really helping them solving their problems. Time box this phase but make sure that you gain enough evidence to confirm the potential of it. Fail fast and cheap is the mantra. If you are successful, then accelerate.


03| Accelerate. Gain first customers and revenues.

Move quickly to the implementation of your first MVP. Accelerate your go to market to gain faster customer feedback and your first revenues. Build your company upon your own success.


04| Scaling

You have made it to your customers. Money starts to come in and it's time to scale. New challenges ahead. Very likely you need to start professionalize your internal processes and disciplines. Among others, Product and Process management are key activities that needs to be structured slowly as your business growths and your customers expect you to keep delivering upon your promise.

Innoveasy is an innovation and business development consultancy firm that delivers business strategy and customized solutions to corporate and growing startups.

Address: Jacob Catsstraat 93, Voorburg

Phone: +31 624096767


Lean co-entrepreneur

Innovation Consultancy

Innovation project management

Scaling and Operational management

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